Sunday, December 11, 2011

So my competition has come and gone! I had so much fun competing and I'm I'm completely in shock of how I was able to transform my body. I was no where near perfect, but I was leaner than I've ever been in my entire life! And all this after having had a baby!

I ended up placing 12th out of 26 girls which isn't so bad for my first show. I do plan to compete again, just not sure if it's going to be this year or next. I would love to expand my family and maintaing a low body fat won't make that possible. 

Here are a few pictures from the show.

This was my individual walk on stage. Posing to the back


Then they called us out in groups based on the order you came on stage in. I'm in the blue looking over my shoulder

Then they did call outs. I was in 2nd call outs. Usually girls in the 1st callout at the top girls, and so forth. I'm all the way on the right

Same group

Then I was brought back out with the girls who were in the 1st call out. Thats when I thought I was going to be in the top 5 at the final show. But sadly, they didn't end up calling my name :( I was sad! I'm in the middle. The girl to my right one first (really sweet girl!), the girl to her right was 2nd, and the girl to her right was 3rd. The girl to the left of me was 5th, and the girl who placed forth wasn't in this line up

This was after pre-judging. My trainer gave me pretty flowers. This photo really shows how dark my spray tan was! After we came home, we had to go back for awards to see who the top 5 were. 

With Paul after the results show

My trainer Courtney, and friends Whitney, Cristina, and Nanette

Awesome chocolate cake Whitney made me for after my show. I enjoyed it with ice cream! Then I had a stomach ache!

I wish I could say I still looked like this, but after way too much indulging I don't! But that's ok. It's the holidays and I'm going to enjoy myself! I'll get right back on track after the new year!