A while back my friend told me about this local farm that delivers baskets each week with in season, local, organic ingredients. It's been something I've wanted to try, but never acted on. Today while we were at the park we got to talking about it again and I decided that I am going to do this! I immideatly looked them up online, fell in love with their website, and ordered my basket for the next 4 weeks. The most exciting part about the farmers box is you never know what your going to get. Now if you know me, then you know I plan my meals out in advance and buy everything I need for each meal I prepare. This is going to be a challenge for me and will probably cause several sporadic trips to the grocery store, but I'm excited to take on this challenge. Hopefully I can open my palette to new foods I've never tried and create some new recipes in the process. Keep checking back because I will be sure to post once I have my box! I can't wait!!!
Brandon and I did this last year, and it was alot of fun during the summer months, but once fall hit we noticed a dramatic decline in the amount of produce we were getting, so much that we decided to cancel it. I have debated if I wanted to start again with the summer months, just bc the produce is so good! I hope you enjoy!!!