Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day (PART 2)

If you read my previous post then you know I was pretty upset with how my day was turning out. Well, it got better. We ended up going to brunch at Sagra and had a great time. It's an italian restaurant near the UT campus at the former Mars Restaurant. I was secretly hoping that they would be serving their regular menu along side brunch (Italian sounded delicious). But there was a set Mother's Day Brunch menu. Our food was pretty good, but we really want to go back for some Italian fare. Our mimosas were pretty darn good though!

After brunch we went to whole foods to grab groceries for the week. Up until this point I usually leave Taylor in her car seat and put it on top of the cart. It works at HEB, but Whole Foods has smaller carts, so I always have to Bjorn Taylor. The Bjorn has been great, but she is getting really heavy and it kills my back, so we thought we would try sitting her in the cart. I wanted to wait and do this when Paul was with me... that way if it didn't work out too well I would't look like the stupid parent alone.

Things started out great, but then Taylor started leaning to the side and we had to keep picking her up. That's when we decided to prop her up with oatmeal, and what do you know, it worked! She leaned on that and had a great time. She especially enjoyed playing with the baguette! What the picture doesn't show is how she was flinging that thing all over the place! It was really cute! While standing in line to pay for our groceries the woman in front of me was asking how old Taylor was. She then went on to mention that she has a 4 year old and a 2 year old and that her mother's day present was being able to shop alone for a change.

When we got home we put Taylor down for a nap, and then Paul and I laid in bed and watched TV. Taylor didn't sleep for long so I brought in the room with us when we woke up. I sat her on my lap, and then Max jumped in front of her so he could be close to me. She leaned on him and Paul snapped some pretty cute photos.

So I guess my Mother's Day did turn out great after all. Next year I won't hold such high expectations!


  1. I'm glad your Mother's Day got better! My fantasy on Mother's Day...waking up to a hotel key. My ticket to a whole day and night of being by myself:) It was just a fantasy. See my blog for the reality. It was almost as good, I guess.

  2. Jenn you need to take more pics of you and Taylor together. It's so fun to see how much you guys look alike!
